onsdag den 19. november 2008

The Two who Replied...

Is it me?  Do I smell?  Does my email address smell?  I've only ever tried to email submissions request thing once or twice but I've never had very good yield.  Don't be shy people, my emails won't bite!

Anyhow, I KNOW guys did scam in on the Comme des Garcons x H&M womenswear stuff and I KNOW they were trying on the dropped crotch trews that I got.  Don't be embarrassed!  Even the highly critical commentors on the Sart were chiming in that guys seem to be able to pull of the dropped crotch trew better than us gals.  I got two responses and one of them is my boyf... pathetic I tells ya!

Still, two is better than none.  The first one comes from Brandon who I have in fact met in real life as he caught me in a major shoe trying on sesh in Topshop.  This image comes under extenuating circumstances as Brandon was 13 hours away from making the move from London to New York (he's half American, half British and was also born in Hong Kong...the best of many worlds I feel...).  This outfit is actually his plane outfit and here's what he has to say on the matter...

"Originally I had on 8 layers not including double layered trousers lol. In the end depending on just how manic it gets with my suitcase space I may actually have to wear this amount of clothes on the plane. I am taking far too many coats and jackets and knitwear and not enough of things i actually
My challenge the other day was if I could wear them to the school I used to attend then I could wear them anywhere. Even when I got funny faces I just thought, 'Great I made someone smile!' and lets face it in this current economic climate people need to smile even if they are doing so at my expense."

I share your sentiment Brandon and I can't believe you managed to double layer those trews...gives me the idea to do the same thing.


Next we have dear Steve.  He didn't buy the trews.  He didn't even get up early enough to make it to the launch with me.  Instead, he has taken to borrowing my trews despite the calves being a wee bit on the tight side.   If the reference isn't clear enough, here's what he says...

"As you can see I decided to style the trousers by turning myself into the offspring of a Samurai and Obi-Wan Kenobi...I just wish I had a light sabre."

Not being a huge Star Wars fan, I'm not that excited at the prospect of a light sabre... I am however loving his Carola Euler detailed jersey cardigan which he is wearing here as I bought it as a pressie for him giving me the opportunity to also nick it occasionally.  Wuhaha...clever and cunning pressie strategy there.

So, only two submissions but they both happen to be two different extreme takes.  It's odd that seemingly the obvious tactic would be to simplify them and play the shape down, yet in fact, they have prompted for further extreme styling. 


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